
Free Sticker Friday // Oh Sh*t Poop Emoji Stickers

Why am I ringing in the new year with the poop emoji?  Well really I'm ushering 2016 out with the poop emoji.  This year has been one hell of a year and while it may go down as the year that shall not be named, we're another year older and hopefully we've learned something new.  But really, 2016 can GTFO!  We're through!!
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I had plans on trying a new way of memory planning for 2017...but I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick with the vertical ECLP.  for the beginning of the year I've put it in the Breathe Prima Marketing planner.  I like this planner because it has rose gold hardware plus an adjustable strap that will you let you stuff your planner full!  You can find a great range of the planners & accessories on the Scrabook.com website here.  I've also found some of the line on Blitsy as well!

This download includes a PNG file to cut with your Cricut Explore (size to 5.5 inches wide in Design Space), a Silhouette Studio file to cut with your Silhouette, and a PDF file to cut by hand (or I hear good things about this tool).  As always please do not share this file with anyone.  Do not claim this design as your own, do not print and disseminate in mass quantities, and do not sell the digital or printed item.  If you would like to link to these stickers please Pin or link to the blog post and not the file itself.  Thanks for playing nice!
I hope you enjoy these little poop guys...I also hope that you don't have too many poop days where you will need them!

xoxo, Moe


Five Little Known (but helpful) Cricut Hacks

If you haven't been following a long on the YouTube channel you may have missed that I've started a group on Facebook exclusively for Cricut Explore users wanting to learn more, share more, and do more when it comes to making stickers for Cricut Explore!  Click here and request to be added - I'd love to have you!  In this group I am constantly inspired to share tips and figure out things I didn't really think of before.  So I thought I'd share with you 5 little known hacks for your Cricut Explore
this post contains affiliate links, please read my full disclosure here.

Custom Material Settings
Did you know that not only can you choose from a variety of settings from the custom menu on the Load Mat screen, you can actually add your own custom settings?  This is great if you work with a material that isn't listed on the drop down menu or you want to duplicate a setting but change the name.  I've found that the Washi Sheets setting is perfect for cutting stickers so I could copy the same settings but change the name to Sticker Paper as an example.  Or I could make a setting that cuts deeper than the settings available or adds the multi cut feature.  I have a post on adding Custom Material Settings here

Bluetooth Adapter + Dongle
When I switched from my MacBook to my Dell laptop I lost the ability to connect to my Cricut Explore through the Bluetooth adapter I'd purchased.  If you have a Cricut Explore Air or the new Cricut Explore Air 2 then you don't need the Bluetooth adapter sold.  If your computer doesn't have a Bluetooth option you can purchase something called a Bluetooth dongle (lol dongle) to plug into a USB port in your computer.  I love this because I have my Cricut Explore on the side of my desk on a rolling cart. (See my current office tour here.)  The cord is too awkward to plug into my computer and it's too short to leave it there always.  So a Bluetooth dongle is very, very helpful!

You Don't have to Unload the Mat to Cut again
Sometimes when cutting through thicker materials I find that the blade hasn't passed all the way through.  If I'm doing a one off project or don't want to add a new custom material, I'll just cut the project again.  Simply leave the mat in the machine and press the flashing Cricut button to recut the project.  This ensures that the mat is aligned in the same way so it won't create a funny cut around your project.  This helps me when I'm making dividers but my blade may be old.

Use other Software
You know that I love to use other software with the Cricut Explore and Design Space. I do this because I like to have a copy of the project that can be opened in a different software in case I ever get a different cutting machine.  If you design everything in Design Space you won't have your projects or files if you ever decide to change machines.  Inkscape is one of my favorite programs because it is an easy way to create SVG files but it is an great program to create PNG files for print then cut as well.  Another free software I love is Pixlr.  This software is online - visit pixlr.com and click on Pixlr Editor - and very easy to use.  It performs a lot like Photoshop, just a light version.

I hope these 5 hacks have helped you discover that there is more to the Cricut Explore than meets the eye.  This is one of the most flexible cutting machines and I love this for paper crafting and making stickers.  Do pop over to the group and hang out!  Plus you can find some free stickers there too!

xoxo, Moe


Trend Tuesday // 3 Ways to Give Creatively this Year

Every year I try to find something that is meaningful to give to someone.  For a long time that was something handmade.  Now I like to stroll around the mall until I find something that speaks to me.  But if you've got a creative person in your life, something from the mall may not always do.  Creative people appreciate creativity, so why not give them the best creative gift you can?  Here are 3 ways to give creatively this year:
this post contains affiliate links, please read my full disclosure here.

Give the Gift of Handmade
If you didn't know Etsy is the top handmade marketplace.  There are thousands of shops offering a ton of handmade goodies sure to delight the creative person in your life.  Custom pet portraits, planner stickers, beautiful jewelry, unique vintage finds, crocheted and knitted goodies, and anything you could really think of.  Additionally, Ebates - my favorite cash back site - offers cash back on purchases on the Etsy website!  This does not take any moolah away from the Etsy shop owner so don't think you're short changing their worth.  You can even give an Etsy Gift Card to someone to be used on any Etsy shop.  Sign up for Ebates here & save money while you give this season!

Give the Gift of Creative Supplies
Etsy can also offer a wide array of supplies - cabochons, hand spun yarn, jewelry findings, etc - for creative gifting as well.  If you prefer a more big box store approach, head to Michael's, Joanne's, or Hobby Lobby for some creative supplies.  If you're also short on time use your Amazon Prime membership to ship your craft supplies to you in two days!  You can also give the gift of Amazon Prime if someone really needs to get some specific supplies to their home often.  Amazon is the place I go for scrapbook paper and ephemera that I can't find in my big box stores.

Give the Gift of Learning
Creative people always love learning new things.  Craftsy is a great website to share the gift of learning with the creative person you love.  Right now their 12 Days of Craftsy event is going on!  Check the front page each day for the deal & some deals are coming straight to your email inbox. Be sure to create an account so you can get all the juicy details!  Find a ton of classes & supplies on the Craftsy website.  Cake decorating, quilting, photography, drawing - these classes are all online from great instructors!  Plus you can also find many of the supplies you need for the classes right on the site. Craftsy runs sales - on supplies and classes - often.  So keep a look out if you or you're loved one is interested in a class!

Creative gift giving really means you care.  Also, if you give handmade (like something from Etsy) you're supporting a small business.  Your purchase directly impacts the person you purchase it from!  You may be responsible for putting a gift under their tree as well! So remember to keep handmade in your mind this year for the holidays too!  If you'd like some more holiday giving inspiration, check out past gift guides here.

How are you giving creatively this year?

xoxo, Moe


Free Sticker Friday // Christmas Countdown Stickers

It is the most wonderful time of the year!! I am so happy that it is nearing Christmas time!  I have yet to put my tree up and that is so unlike me.  But I'm working on it!
this post contains affiliate links, please see my full disclosure here.

I've been loving the hand drawn look of stickers lately so I thought I'd continue it with these stickers.  These little countdown stickers will fit perfectly in the bottom bar of your ECLP.  The measure 1.3 inches wide so they can be centered at the bottom of the columns!


This download includes a PNG file ready to cut with your Cricut Explore (just size the width to 5.5 inches in Design Space), a Silhouette file to cut with your Silhouette Cameo or Portrait, and a PDF if you'd like to cut these by hand (I've heard god things about this tool though!)
As always, the free printables on the blog are for personal use only.  Do not sell the design or finished product.  Do not claim these as your own.  Do not share the final product or the link.  If you would like to share this file with friend, please Pin or share the blog post link and not the file.  Thank you for playing nice!

If you haven't already, please join my Cricut Ready Stickers group on Facebook!  Also find more Cricut Ready Stickers on the blog here.

Have a Merry Christmas!

xoxo, Moe


3 Things I've Learned as a NEW Origami Owl Designer

If you've been hiding under a rock (knock, knock, knock!) you may not know that I've recently embarked on a new adventure - I've launched a business with Origami Owl!  I unboxed my starter kit in this video and since then I've hosted my own Launch Party and am working on hosting a few more Jewelry Bars.  I've only been at this for about a month but I wanted to share with you three things I've learned from starting this business. 
I was 100% nervous, if we're being honest, to start this journey.  And if you ask my mentor she'll tell you I'd talked about it for probably over a year.  It wasn't until the 'Join O2 fo $2' campaign came out that I really took the leap.  She was expecting me to join for $2, but I said to myself 'what the heck?' and went for the Starter Kit!  Since I've been working on the back end to develop how I want to run my business I thought I'd share with you what I've learned so far.

You never know until you try something new
Making sure this is the right decision for you is important.  Is this company reliable?  Do you have experience with the product?  Do you feel positively about the product?  Will this company fit in with your lifestyle and goals?  If you answer yes to all of those questions then you're probably on the right track.  That is how I knew trying something new like this would be a fun experience.

I have loved Origami Owl jewelry since my cousin (and mentor) started selling the line way, way back.  I'd always thought it would be a fun adventure...but I just wasn't sure.  And you really never know until you try.  I joined O2 not just because I love the jewelry but because I wanted to try something new.  I've never been really great about approaching people - I would say I'm outgoing, but I'm also shy - so I knew Origami Owl would challenge me.  It also gave me a chance to extend my love of memory keeping and story telling to a tangible object - the one of a kind keepsake that is a Living Locket

Being Customer Oriented is Important
I didn't label this section Customer Service because I wanted to focus on the bigger picture.  Being Customer Oriented is much more than being nice and being responsive, it is being helpful, empathetic, and resourceful.  I launched my O2 business right at the beginning of the Holiday Reveal.  That meant not only was I diving into a really busy season but right into the problem that things would begin to sell out.  One of the first problems I ran into is a potential customer messaging me that a lot of the Holiday items had sold out.  Because I wanted to offer her as many options as possible I mentioned the expected restock date and gave her an alternative.  Fortunately Origami Owl also stocked premade 'gifts to go' so some items she was looking for were still available in a premade gift.  I suggested if she liked a certain face or charm to check out the gifts section and find the locket that closely matches the idea she had in mind and add to it from there.  Suggesting an alternative still kept her interest and showed that I am receptive to her needs.

Being customer oriented is a positive mindset to always find a solution not just make a sale!

Show your Personality
Direct Sales teams often have like minded people but they all aren't 100% the same.  Take a second to figure out how you will offer the product differently.  What makes you the person someone will come to for the product?  This is important because you don't want everything you do to be a sales pitch. This is social selling but you don't want to be so pushy that you push your potential customers or your friends and family away.  Showing your personality makes an object into an experience!

I knew that O2 would be a good fit for my personality because I like to teach, I like to be creative, and I like to share.  I'm a planner girl, I'm a scrapbooker, and I'm a memory keeper .... Origami Owl is all about memory keeping!  I took a minute to think about how the different ways I could share Origami Owl.  I knew I could incorporate O2 in to my love of teaching by sharing personal experiences, success stories, and tips for social selling.  I knew my creativity would shine because there are so many charms to tell so many stories, any look is possible.  And I knew that memory keeping would play a huge roll because I love collecting and sharing stories.  Not to mention the whole brand is fashion forward!  Origami Owl fit into all of my passions.  That is how I knew it would an easy transition to talk about everyday.

I've learned that its not about the dollar, sometimes it is about you!  After this first month I've learned what I want to do with my O2 business and I plan on sharing my journey with you all as well.  To help you understand Direct Sales and Origami Owl!

Have you tried something out lately that taught you important lessons?  Share with me below!

xoxo, Moe