Blogging is something that I try to be really good at (be a good blogger, post everyday, interact with others) and something I try to remind myself that I am doing for myself. My blog started out as a way for me to document my life and, by nature, to share my experiences with others. I'm always torn between promoting my blog & just sitting back and connecting with it on a personal level. Because of this I'm also always trying to make it easier for myself to blog and to go out to do things to blog about. It's a hard balance. I love blogging but I also love living. So when I feel like I have nothing to blog...I stay silent for a while, enjoy my time. Then I'll hop right back on it again.
Anyway, in order to make it easier for me to not worry about my blog during the week I've come up with two things I do on Sundays (usually my blog day) to prepare by blog for the week. I set it up & forget it - here's how:
Schedule Posts - I love the schedule feature of blogger. I can sit down, write 5 posts, and then schedule them to go up when I want to. Usually I'll sit down on Sunday & execute any posts that have been rolling around in my head all week. Sunday is my organize get the blog ready for the week day. I find I put less pressure on myself if I can brainstorm all week and then execute. Sometimes I'll work on projects for the blog during the week but there's less pressure because I'm not going to blog it right away. Other times ideas need time to develop so I'll write the body to a post then come back to it later. Scheduling posts means that I'm not writing/blogging everyday & have time to just enjoy.
Scheduling Social Media Posts - I like to sit down at the beginning of the month & go through some of my old posts to find posts I'd like to repromote. Maybe it was a really great post or maybe it's relevant to right now - and I'll use TweetDeck to schedule an archive post to tweet each weekday of the month. This way I'm promoting my blog twice in a day - one tweet goes out when my blog post goes live usually early in the day (use Networked Blogs for this!) and one tweet goes out later in the day with the archive post.
But on Sundays, I usually decide what my posting schedule for Instagram will be. I haven't found a consistent or free way to schedule posts to this platform. Rather I just make a list of what I want to post. I'll also repromote older posts with an image and a call to click the temporary link in my profile. This is how I create beautiful photos for Instagram and this is the app I use to add text over my photos for a consistent look.
But on Sundays, I usually decide what my posting schedule for Instagram will be. I haven't found a consistent or free way to schedule posts to this platform. Rather I just make a list of what I want to post. I'll also repromote older posts with an image and a call to click the temporary link in my profile. This is how I create beautiful photos for Instagram and this is the app I use to add text over my photos for a consistent look.
These two things let me seem as if I'm active all week, get all my ideas out there, & still leave me time to actually live the life I want to blog about! This is one of my creative spaces & I like to keep it no pressure & free!
How do you prepare your blog for the week? Are you a Scheduler?
xoxo, Moe
Simple yet inspiring and motivating. Thank you! Going to check out Tweet deck right now and get scheduling x