
Fan Friday #93

Wooohooo!! Friday is here at last!  As I mentioned yesterday, I've spent most of this week in a fog being sick...heck on Wednesday I dreamed I was a cake I had such a fever!  I had a bit of time this week to look up happy things so here's what I'm loving this week:

This blanket in this lovely little room looks so cozy! I'm going to be crocheting some more blankets here shortly! yay!

My kiln will get it's final wiring this weekend!  I'm not ready for my first firing yet but now that the final bits will be done I can orders supplies & get this studio together.  This image is super inspiring & I can't wait to put up a few more shelves & get things going.  I can't wait for warmer weather & throwing  with the garage door open.....yay!

This print is hilarious.  I love Indiana Jones & now I live in Indiana....coincidence? Probably.

Link Love
++One of my favorite & seriously inspiring ceramic artists, Lindsay of Suite One Studio, always adds things to her shop that make me happy.  She's got it going on & I need to decide what to pick up from her shop but I can't ever settle on anything because I want it all.  I also want to see what she does next! ++

++Searching fatshion on tumblr to get outfit & style inspiration.  Finding looks I love makes me happy!  ps. I still don't have any clue how to use tumblr....but you can find me here++

++Kristen of KV's Confessions opened up her Society6 Print Shop inspiring me with the if not now, then when? vibe she's got going.++

Bit of a tiny round up, but just a few things I've loved this week.  What has caught your eye?

xoxo, Moe

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