
Official Sponsor Call

Hey oh, guess what....February is almost over.  Can you believe it? This year is already flying by, much like last year.  But you know what?  There's no one I'd rather fly through time with except you (well, and maybe the Doctor).

February is when Five Sixteenths hit the 400 follower mark through GFC.  Five Sixteenths also gained more newsletter subscribers, twitter followers, instagram followers, & facebook likes!  After January, February was pretty awesome too!
Now here's the part where I tell you I want you.  I want you to be a part of Five Sixteenths in March.  There are 4 ad sizes to choose from & they are all pretty affordable.  The perks are awesome too: tweets about your happenings through the month, feature interviews, & inclusions in the Fan Friday posts.    And the Feature sponsor gets included in the monthly newsletter! March is going to be a pretty cool month & I'd love to share it with you!

Check out the advertising page for all the details & to reserve your spot.  Let me know if you have any questions, shoot me an email here.

xoxo, Moe

Connect on Twitter // Follow on Pinterest // Peep me at Hello Cotton

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