
Promise I've Not Forgotten You

Hello!! I'm here in Virginia sitting on my parent's couch watching House Hunters International.  I'm excited for this week of holiday shenanigans!
I promise I've not forgotten to blog, I'm just taking a break for a little while.  I''m going to be thinking about where to take this blog in 2013.  Five Sixteenths has always had sort of a direction meaning that I blog about the same sort of things but I really admire blogs that take, what I see, a more professional approach to blogging.  Yes, this blog is used to promote my interests but I've always used it as a way to connect with others & I don't want it to seem steril by moving in a new direction.

I still plan on blogging about my everyday life, because I like to do it! Seeing the cool things that others do is the main reason I read blogs so I don't want to move away from sharing my own life.  I guess I'm looking to define lifestyle blog more.  We'll see.  The main goal for next year is to decide on a blog design...for goodness sake I have changed it like 4 times this year & every time I've said it was final!

I'm ready to focus on content, so a simple design is what I have in mind.  I am moving towards taking out the color all together.  Simple Black & White.  I've already moved the Five Sixteenths Studio site into that sort of deal & I want an all over seamless design.  Something where you can transition between all of them & feel as if you're under the same brand.  I'm also working on launching the Five One Six shop on Storenvy.  I had a blast designing that shop & I think that design maybe what's in store for the blog.  I'm just ready to take Five Sixteenths into a more professional direction so I'm taking this week to focus on family, let go a bit, & see what maybe pops up and how I can implement it into the future.  I just love blogging & all that goes with it!  I'll be adding more things to the design shop - landing page designs, printable calendars, etc & working on creating invitation designs for purchase on zazzle

I wish you a Happy Holiday!  If you'd like to catch up with me, follow me on instagram & twitter, @fivesixteenths!

Connect on Twitter // Follow on Pinterest // Peep me at Hello Cotton

1 comment:

  1. I think your blog is super cute and simple already; but hey, I understand wanting to change it - haha. I'm the same way :)


Hi there, thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I love &value each & every one! If you have a question, I will respond as soon as I can. Don't be afraid to shoot me an email! If you have a blog, I will pop on by :)