2. What is your favorite part about blogging & the blogging community? i love all the friendships that i've gained w/ other bloggers. there are so many supportive, creative people out there. :) it's so much fun collaborating w/ other bloggers!
3. What is the hardest part about blogging? 2 things: 1 // getting my husband to participate. he's a little camera shy. ;) he's a super good sport - don't get me wrong:
2 // i often wish i hadn't named my blog so specifically - a case of the mundays (munday being our last name). i day dream about teaming up with another creative person or 2. ;) any interested mundays out there!?!
5. What is your favorite feature on your blog? What do have the most fun blogging about? of course i love sharing my gluten free baking adventures and sharing about our home! but i really really love blogging to make a difference. i've been blessed to be involved w/ several different causes, such as craft hope & the noonday collection. i also love sharing about our adventures. we're currently training for a marathon (well - i am running a half, and wade is running the full). we're running to raise money for barefoot ministries - a church camp focused on diversity. thanks to the scholarship money we'll raise, my small group of inner city high school girls will be able to attend camp this summer! and then in 6 weeks, we're heading to ethiopia to visit the awassa children's project. we're currently gathering bracelets and soccer balls to bring to the kiddos. i'd love for your readers to join in!
{source: awassa children's project}
6. Give us the best blogging advice you've ever received? i think the best blog advice has to be to blog what you enjoy. again blogging is my hobby! when it starts to become work - and i'm blogging about anything JUST to blog ... it loses the spark. :) i already have enough "work" on my plate!
7. Give us the best advice on life you've ever received? my mom recently reminded me that difficult people/situations are the perfect opportunity to refine yourself. i daily need a dose of the serenity prayer - "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change the things i can, and wisdom to know the difference." i think those two lessons go hand in hand.
Now for the fun ones:
8. What is your favorite fruit? i love a good banana or apple ... w/ nutella of course. after my half marathon training is over - it's bye bye sugar and back to just apples and bananas.
7. Are you an early bird or a night owl? neither!?! i WAS a night owl before my husband and i got married (a year and a half ago). but i try to go to bed when he goes to bed - unfortunately early - like 8.30 early. you'd think i'd become an early bird now that i'm getting more sleep at night - but not the case. ;) i average a good 10 hours. pathetic. my husband keeps telling me that early mornings are the best in our kitchen. i need to see for myself.
9. What is your favorite color to wear? i own too too too much ivory. i'm always coming home w/ a new ivory (and usually lace) top only to remember that i already own something nearly identical.
Thanks Blair! I am so glad you were able to share with us a little bit about your life, your journey, & your blog. Pop on over to A Case of the Mundays & show some love.
Five Sixteenths has rearranged sponsorship starting in the month of May. If you are interested in being a feature sponsor, please peep the sponsorship page here & shoot me an email! Next Feature Spot is available for June
Thanks Blair! I am so glad you were able to share with us a little bit about your life, your journey, & your blog. Pop on over to A Case of the Mundays & show some love.
Five Sixteenths has rearranged sponsorship starting in the month of May. If you are interested in being a feature sponsor, please peep the sponsorship page here & shoot me an email! Next Feature Spot is available for June
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